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Building a Cloud That’s Best for Your Business

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We build IT clouds

Clouds come in all shapes and sizes, and it’s important to maximize the benefits by building a cloud that’s best for your business. The right onsite cloud solution can save you time, money and stress.

One of your responsibilities as a business owner is making sure all of your employees have the correct hardware and software necessary to do their jobs. It doesn't end with buying computers; you also have to buy software and software licenses. Then when you hire a new employee, you have to check to see if your software license allows another user.

The data your business has stored is likely irreplaceable. Right now you might be asking yourself, “when’s the last time we backed up?” If your hard drive crashed today, could you access client contact information? Or could you review last year’s payment records?

Statistics show more than 90% of adult computer users do not do regular backups. So the chances are if your business runs on the data stored on PCs, you’re not adequately protecting it.

Infinity Computer Solutions has the perfect option to prevent a lifetime of headaches. Our Onsite Cloud Solutions are customized to fit the needs of your business. We are dedicated to building a cloud solution that addresses the major factors that impact IT infrastructures including:

  • Affordable high performance platforms
  • Reliable date protection and recovery
  • Consistent uptime with redundancy
  • Operating efficiency for IT management
  • Fast throughput and high availability

Whether our cloud solution is deployed in your office or datacenter, it is flexible, ensuring your files are safe, secure and easily accessible from anywhere. See what our onsite cloud solution can do for you! Click here to request a cloud demo, or call 1-888-434-5990.


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